Some useful resources.
- Opensource
- OSS University
- Awesome data-science
- Art of commandline
- Hacker 101
- A macOS Setup Guide for developers
- macOS Security and Privacy Guide
- Homebrew
- Create beautiful terminal screenshots
- Printfriendly (Print/
Save as PDF webpages) - Check what information your browser leaks
- Test browser fingerprint
- Google PageSpeed
- No More Ransom
- Rust coreutils (alternative GNU coreutils written in rust)
Apps and services
- Authy (2FA)
- Bitwarden Web Vault
- Cryptomator
- DuckDuckGo/
Startpage (Search engine) - Keka/
7zip (ZIP with AES-256) - ProtonMail
- Signal
- Standard Notes Wep App
- Rust cookbook
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
- The Art of HPC
- Apollo 11 Guidance Computer source code (first human landing on the moon in 1969)
- Flight control software of Mars Ingenuity helicopter
- Various code examples by John Burkardt
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- Reading list of Chad Mazzola
- Marginalian (Book reviews)
- mnmlist
Sans Serif: Fira Sans, Josefin Sans, Manrope, Metropolis/
Serif: Arvo, Baskervville, Cinzel, Cormorant Garamond, Josefin Slab, Lora, Playfair Display, Quattrocento, Source Serif Pro, Zilla Slab
Monospace: Hack, Mononoki
Cursive: AU-School-Handwriting-Fonts, Blockletters, Pompiere, Zeyada
Misc: Bigelow Rules, Henny Penny
Icons: FontAwesome, IcoMoon
- Compress fonts for web usage -
- Self-host Google Fonts -
- Font Squirrel web font generator