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Building webapp using Django framework

Django is a python web framework that helps you build rich interactive web apps. Mozilla, Dropbox, Wikipedia, Spotify are some of the websites built using Django framework. First of make sure you have virtualenv installed, it helps keep your project dependencies separate. Create a new project directory, and activate virtualenv:

mkdir django-project
cd django-project
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now we should be in virtual environment, you should see venv> prompt in the Terminal. You can exit virtualenv by entering deactivate. Let's install django under the venv.

pip3 install django

Once Django is installed, we can create our django project, let's call it myWebApp.

django-admin startproject myWebApp .

Note the . in the end, which creates the project in our current directory, otherwise it will create another extra top level folder. You have to be mindful of your directory structure when you deploy it in a server.

Django projects are collection of apps. Say, we want to create an app called hello, which says hello when visited /hello url. We can create our hello app by:

django-admin startapp hello

We have to tell our Django project that we have a new app. Open myWebApp/ and add hello to the INSTALLED_APPS list. You will see a number of default apps already registered there.


# my apps

Create urls. It's like a table of content. We want to keep the urls of each app separated. Create hello/ and include:

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
path('', views.hello, name='hello'),

Now we have to add the hello app urls in our main project. Open myWebApp/ and add the following:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
path('hello/', include('hello.urls'))

Next step is to create views. Go to hello/ and add following function:

from django.shortcuts import render

def hello(request):
"""hello page"""
return render(request, 'hello/index.html')

Final step is to create the index.html. We create hello/templates/hello/index.html

<title>Hello django</title>
<h1>Hello Django!</h1>

Now we can run our django server :

python3 runserver

and visit localhost:8000/hello in our browser. This is our simplest hello app. Now let's say we want to greet a specific user by his/her name. We could create individual user pages, or we can take the url argument and generate a page based on that argument. We write the following view function (hello/

def greet(request, name):
"""greet anyone"""
return render(request, 'hello/greet.html', {
"name": name.capitalize()

Create hello/templates/hello/greet.html:

<h1>Hello {{ name }}!</h1>

Go to hello/ and include:

path('/<str:name>', views.greet, name='greet'),

Now we can python3 runserver and visit an arbitrary url localhost:8000/hello/albert

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