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Linux administration

User administration

For below examples, I am logged into a RHEL compatible linux distribution.

Create user

In order to add new user we need to switch to root account. We can do that by:

su -
# su stands for switch user
# in some systems
sudo su -

Once we are logged into the system as root, we can add new user:

useradd <username>
useradd linuxfan

We can check the info of the newly added user by:

id <username>

And it will print the following:

uid=1001(linuxfan) gid=1001(linuxfan) groups=1001(linuxfan)

We see that along with the newly created user, a group with the same name is also created, and the new user is added to that group by default.

We can also look for the user information in the /etc/passwd file:

cat /etc/passwd | grep linuxfan

That prints out:


We can provide additional options to useradd. Please see help for more details.

[root@host:~]# useradd --help
Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN
useradd -D
useradd -D [options]

--badname do not check for bad names
-b, --base-dir BASE_DIR base directory for the home directory of the
new account
--btrfs-subvolume-home use BTRFS subvolume for home directory
-c, --comment COMMENT GECOS field of the new account
-d, --home-dir HOME_DIR home directory of the new account
-D, --defaults print or change default useradd configuration
-e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE expiration date of the new account
-f, --inactive INACTIVE password inactivity period of the new account
-g, --gid GROUP name or ID of the primary group of the new
-G, --groups GROUPS list of supplementary groups of the new
-h, --help display this help message and exit
-k, --skel SKEL_DIR use this alternative skeleton directory
-K, --key KEY=VALUE override /etc/login.defs defaults
-l, --no-log-init do not add the user to the lastlog and
faillog databases
-m, --create-home create the user's home directory
-M, --no-create-home do not create the user's home directory
-N, --no-user-group do not create a group with the same name as
the user
-o, --non-unique allow to create users with duplicate
(non-unique) UID
-p, --password PASSWORD encrypted password of the new account
-r, --system create a system account
-R, --root CHROOT_DIR directory to chroot into
-P, --prefix PREFIX_DIR prefix directory where are located the /etc/* files
-s, --shell SHELL login shell of the new account
-u, --uid UID user ID of the new account
-U, --user-group create a group with the same name as the user
-Z, --selinux-user SEUSER use a specific SEUSER for the SELinux user mapping

Assign password for a user:

passwd <username>

Encrypted password info is saved in /etc/shadow.

cat /etc/shadow | grep linuxfan


Change username:

usermod -l <new-username> <current-username>
usermod -l codingfan linuxfan

Now if we look for information of codingfan in /ect/passwd:

[root@host:~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep codingfan

Notice that the home directory name is still the previous one.

Delete a user:

userdel <username>

Lock a user:

usermod -L <username>

Unlock a user:

usermod -U <username>

Create group

groupadd projectX

We can see group list in

[root@host:~]# cat /etc/group

Add a user to a new group.

usermod -G projectX linuxfan

[root@host:~]# cat /etc/group | grep projectX

[root@host:~]# id linuxfan
uid=1001(linuxfan) gid=1001(linuxfan) groups=1001(linuxfan),1002(projectX)

Delete a group:

groupdel <groupname>

System info

uname -a
cat /etc/os-release

System monitoring

tail -f /var/log/secure
systemctl list-units --type=service

systemctl status sshd
systemctl stop sshd
systemctl start sshd

Resource management


Exit top screen by pressing q key in the keyboard.

df -h
du /path
du -hs /path
du -h /path | sort -nr
dmesg | more
cat /var/log/messages



# newer replacement
ip addr show
ip route show
ip link set eth0 up

System update

Update the full system:

yum update

# newer dnf is replacing yum
dnf update
dnf list installed
dnf list installed | wc -l

dnf repoinfo

dnf search openssh
dnf install openssh

dnf list installed | grep openssl
rpm -qa | grep openssl
rpm -ql openssl

dnf remove openssh