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Introduction to Node.js

For this lesson, you must have Node.js installed. We will write our codes in a file called intro.js

console.log("Hello Node.js!")

Now we can run the javascript by typing the following in the terminal:

$ node intro.js

Hello Node.js!

Next, let's define a variable and print that out.

let message = "Hello world from the Node.js";


Note that you can omit the .js from the filename when running node command:

node intro

Hello world from the Node.js

Here the console is a global variable and it is available to us without importing or requiring any class. There are several other global variables like __dirname or ``__filename`



We can import external modules by using require. Let's say we import the path module which ships with the Node.js ans load that into a variable called path. Then we try to extract just the filename using a path method.

const  path = require('path');
console.log(`The file name is : ${path.basename(__filename)}`);

The file name is : intro.js

Note that for template strings back tics are used instead of single/double quotes.

Another important global object is process.



process.argv to pass arguments:



So when we run our program by typing node intro, we are simply passing an array. We can pass more variables:

node intro hello "pranab das"

'pranab das'

Now we can create flags to pass more arguments to any command.

node intro --user "pranab das" --greeting hello

'pranab das',
const grab = flag => {
let indexAfterFlag = process.argv.indexOf(flag) + 1;
return process.argv[indexAfterFlag];

const greeting = grab("--greeting");
const user = grab("--user");

console.log(greeting, user);
node intro --user "pranab das" --greeting hello

hello pranab das