📄️ Swap two numbers
Subroutine to swap two integers:
📄️ Absolute path
Here is a function to convert filenames to their absolute path:
📄️ Calculate hypotenuse
Hypotenuse can be calculated using following formula:
📄️ Numerical integration
We will calculate the area under the curve $f(x)$ within the bounds $x=a$ and
📄️ Haversine formula
Determine the distance between two places on earth given latitude and longitude.
📄️ Inner product
Example of dynamic array allocation:
📄️ Monte Carlo method
We will approximate value of $\pi$ by Monte Carlo method. We will generate
📄️ Monte Carlo integration
📄️ Time
Following example uses dateandtime and cpu_time to find current date and
📄️ Argument parsing
We will use commandargumentcount and getcommandargument to parse command
📄️ External command
We can call executecommandline to execute external commands in a FORTRAN
Install BLAS and [LAPACK](
📄️ MPI Basics
MPI Hello World