Spin polarized bandstructure calculation for nickel
We prepare the input file pw_scf_ni.in
and run the calculation:
mpirun -np 8 pw.x -i pw_scf_ni.in > pw_scf_ni.out
Prepare the input file for bands calculation pw_bands_ni.in
with our desired
k-path and run:
mpirun -np 8 pw.x -i pw_bands_ni.in > pw_bands_ni.out
Now we perform the bands.x calculation with spin_component=1
to process
only the spin up bands:
spin_component = 1,
Run the calculation:
mpirun -np 8 bands.x -i bands_ni_up.in > bands_ni_up.out
Similarly, we process the spin down bands spin_component=2
and plot them.