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Binary heaps

Priority Queue interface:

  • build(x)
  • insert(x): add item x
  • delete_max(): delete and return max key item
  • find_max(): return max key item.

Keys are the weight or priority in a priority queue.

We could use either any one of the following data structure to implement priority queue interface:

  • Set AVL: all operations take O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n) time.
  • Un-sorted array: insert takes constant amortized time, while delete_max would take linear time. Find max item, swap with the last element, and delete it.
  • Sorted array: it's the opposite of unsorted array. It takes linear time to insert but find_max is constant time operation. We can use binary search to find maximum element but we need to shift items after insertion.

Priority Queue sort: insert all items, and delete_max all items. The items will be removed in a sorted order.

Tbuild(n)+nTdelete_maxn(Tinsert+Tdelete_max)T_{\text{build}}(n) + n \cdot T_{\text{delete\_max}} \le n (T_{\text{insert}} + T_{\text{delete\_max}})

If we implement priority queue interface with set AVL, it will take O(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log n) time, on the other hand unsorted and sorted array will basically use selection sort and insertion sort, respectively, both of which have O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) time bounds. But array sorts are in-place, which is space efficient, while set AVL sort is not in-place.

Heaps: If we have a complete binary tree; there are 2i2^i nodes at depth ii except at the maximum depth where nodes are left justified. The height is guaranteed to have logn\lceil \log n \rceil (ceiling).

We can store such a tree using an array in depth order: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. This is an implicit data structure without any pointers. We can find left and right child by using index arithmetic.

left_child(i)=2i+1\text{left\_child}(i) = 2 * i + 1 right_child(i)=2i+2\text{right\_child}(i) = 2 * i + 2 parent(i)=i12\text{parent}(i) = \left\lfloor \frac{i - 1}{2} \right\rfloor

 \lfloor~\rfloor denotes floor.

Binary heap (Q): an array (Q) representing complete binary tree where every node i satisfies max-heap property: Q[i]Q[j]Q[i] \ge Q[j] for j{left(i),right(i)}j \in \{\text{left}(i), \text{right}(i)\}. This follows Q[i]Q[j]Q[i] \ge Q[j] for any node j in subtree(i).

find_max is very easy, it must be the root, first element in the array.

insert_last(x) we insert x on the last leaf. But we need to make sure the heap satisfy the max-heap property. Below is a pseudo code:

max_heapify_up(i) {
if (i == 0) {
if (Q[parent(i)].key < Q[i].key) {
swap(Q[parent(i)], Q[i]);


  • swap(Q[0], Q[|Q| -1])
  • delete_last()
  • max_heapify_down(0)


  • if i is a leaf: done
  • let j{left(i),right(i)}j \in \{left(i), right(i)\}, find the maximum of left and right key
  • if Q[i] < Q[j]: swap(Q[i], Q[j])
  • recurse on j.

Heap sort

We can start with an empty binary heap, increase it's size by one and repeatedly absorb elements of an unsorted array. Later repeatedly apply delete_max() to sort an array, it's called heap sort.
