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Pointer basics

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
char a;
char *ptr; // declare a pointer for char type
a = 'A';
printf("Value of variable a: %c\n", a);
printf("Size of variable a: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(a));

// now assign the address of variable a to pointer
ptr = &a;
printf("Address of ptr: %p\n", ptr); // address of pointer
printf("Value of ptr: %c\n", *ptr); // value of pointer

int b = 456;
int *ptr_b;
ptr_b = &b;
printf("\nValue of variable b: %d\n", b);
printf("Address of variable b: %p\n", ptr_b);
printf("Size of variable a: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(b));

double c = 4.56;
double *ptr_c;
ptr_c = &c;
printf("\nValue of variable c: %g\n", c);
printf("Address of variable c: %p\n", ptr_c);
printf("Size of variable a: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(c));

return 0;