Pointer basics
- C
- C++
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char a;
char *ptr; // declare a pointer for char type
a = 'A';
printf("Value of variable a: %c\n", a);
printf("Size of variable a: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(a));
// now assign the address of variable a to pointer
ptr = &a;
printf("Address of ptr: %p\n", ptr); // address of pointer
printf("Value of ptr: %c\n", *ptr); // value of pointer
int b = 456;
int *ptr_b;
ptr_b = &b;
printf("\nValue of variable b: %d\n", b);
printf("Address of variable b: %p\n", ptr_b);
printf("Size of variable a: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(b));
double c = 4.56;
double *ptr_c;
ptr_c = &c;
printf("\nValue of variable c: %g\n", c);
printf("Address of variable c: %p\n", ptr_c);
printf("Size of variable a: %lu byte(s)\n", sizeof(c));
return 0;
// pointers are variables for storing memory addresses
// type of pointer is tied to the type of variable address it stores
// (1) the pointer must be allocated,
// (2) the pointee must be allocated,
// (3) the pointer must be assigned to point to the pointee.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x = 10; // declare and assign a integer variable
int *ptr; // declare an integer pointer
// Note that pointers do not declare memory
// A pointer must be assigned a pointee, before the pointer
// can be dereferenced. This is a major source of pointer bugs
ptr = &x; // `&` operator returns the address of a variable
int y = *ptr; // dereference the pointer variable to get its value
// The assignment operation (=) between two pointers make them point to the
// same pointee. This is called sharing.
// the dereference operator * can appear on the left side of an assignment
// we can assign a new value to x by:
// *ptr = 20;
// pointer to const: a non-constant pointer cannot point to constant var
const int z = 100;
const int *ptr_z;
ptr_z = &z;
// ++ptr_z; // OK
// there can also be constant pointer
int cx = 20;
int *const pt_cx = &cx; // const pointer can only be initialized
// it cannot be assigned later
// ++*pt_cx; // OK: cx is not constant
// ++pt_cx; // Not allowed: pt_cx is constant
// there could also be const pointer to const variable
// const int *const ptConst;
// null pointer
int *ptr_null = 0;
// alternatively
// ptr_null = NULL;
// ptr_null = nullptr;
cout << "NULL pointer: " << ptr_null << endl;
// type void*
// if we do not know the type of the pointer variable, we can declare
// void *ptv;
// address of any type can be stored in `ptv` above
cout << "prt : " << ptr << endl;
cout << "y : " << y << endl;
x = 25;
// *ptr = 25; // same result as above
y = *ptr;
// dereferencing operator `*` returns the value stored in the address
cout << "y : " << y << endl;
// pointer to a pointer
// pointer is simply a variable that stores the address of a variable
// it is possible also to store the address of a pointer
// In numerical applications, pointer to pointers often used when we have
// multidimensional arrays (the chain of pointers i.e., pointer to pointer
// to pointer ... can go up to the dimension of arrays)
int xx;
int *pt_xx;
int **pt_pt_xx;
pt_xx = &xx;
pt_pt_xx = &pt_xx;
xx = 12;
cout << "Pointer to a pointer: xx = " << **pt_pt_xx << endl;
int arr[] = {10, 12, 15};
int *ptr_arr = arr;
// notice that we do not need `&` operator for the address of an array
// the above assignment is same as:
// int *ptr_arr &arr[0];
// from Expert C Programming: there is one difference between an array name
// and a pointer that must be kept in mind. A pointer is a variable, so
// pa=a and pa++ are legal. But an array name is not a variable;
// constructions like a=pa and a++ are illegal.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << "arr[" << i << "] = " << *(ptr_arr + i) << endl;
// we can refer to the address of pointer as well
cout << "Address of ptr: " << &ptr << endl;
return 0;