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Loading ARPES data

At the moment, this module can only import data produced by Scienta-Omicron SES program. However, you can implement custom loader specific to your data file, and use other modules. Here is an example of custom loader. For the spectral scans, we will use SES produced plaintext (.txt) output file as input, while in case of Fermi map data, we will need the ZIP files as input format.

First thing first, import arpespythontools in your program:

import arpespythontools as arp

Load ARPES Spectra from SES plaintext file

data, energy, angle = arp.load_ses_spectra('sample_spectra.txt')

Here, data is a two dimensional numpy array; x-dimension is along energy and y-dimension is along angle/theta. energy and angle are one dimensional vectors of kinetic energy in eV and angle values are in degree, respectively.


If you have a workflow to directly work from cloud services like Dropbox or OneDrive, it is possible to import data directly from an URL source instead of local file path. You will require additional code for Dropbox or OneDrive authentication, which is not currently included with arpespythontools.

url = ""
data, energy, angle = arp.load_ses_spectra(url)

Load Fermi Map data from SES ZIP file

map_data, energy, theta, phi = arp.load_ses_map('')

map_data will contain three dimensional array of Fermi map data; x-dimension is along energy, y-dimension is along theta and z-dimension is along phi. energy, theta, and phi are one dimensional vectors of kinetic energy (eV), theta (deg), and phi (deg), respectively.

Notice that you do not need to unzip the SES produced .zip file, the program directly reads from .zip file.