Safety matters
NUS Campus Security: 6874 1616
Fire and Ambulance: 995
Singapore Police Force: 999
Like any other workplaces, working in our laboratory has certain risks. Safety is a shared responsibility. We all have our roles to play in order to make our workplace safe for all of us. Nothing is more important than your and your colleagues' safety and wellbeing. Please take note of various safety measures and be mindful of them at all times. This is not a comprehensive safety guide, and only meant to give you an overview of various risks associated with our laboratory. Please refer to the various university resources (resources are available from campus network, if you are off-campus, please connect via VPN) for better understanding of various safety regulations. Please complete required online safety modules. Avoid working alone in the laboratory especially outside of office hours. Some of the safety risks associated with our laboratory is listed below:
Radiation exposure
Our building has various source of high energy electromagnetic radiation including a synchrotron storage ring, X-ray producing machines, LASERS, microwave generators. If you are a fulltime user, you must have R1 radiation license from National Environment Agency of Singapore, and need to wear radiation monitoring devices (TLD badges). You must never enter the synchrotron vault area unless you are authorized. Never enter experimental hutches when beam is ON. You must never remove any protective covers from the X-ray machines, LASER sources. Outside the vault area and experimental hutches, the radiation is as low as background level of Singapore. The vault also houses large superconducting magnets, so if you are wearing pacemaker or any such device, be mindful.
Electrical hazard
Almost all machines require electrical power. There are some setups that uses very high voltages. Never remove any covers from such devices without authorization. Only use power plugs with Singapore certified SAFETY MARK or European CE mark including for your personal devices such as charging laptop.
Fall, trip, working at height
There are narrow passage ways, sharp objects, sometimes there might be water spills especially on the rainy days, sometimes you may need to work at height using ladders/stairs. You are only allowed to enter laboratory area wearing covered shoes.
Chemical safety
Always make sure you have gone through various safety measures/
Working with cryogenics
We use liquid nitrogen and helium to achieve low temperature. You must get relevant training before working with cryogenics. Please wear protective gloves, facial shields etc. as required. Never get in the lift or small confined area with a cryogenic dewar. It can saturate the air inside such confined area if stayed longer. Press the lift floor switch, and ask another colleague to attend the dewar when lift arrives at desired floor.
Compressed gas cylinders
We use compressed gasses such as nitrogen, oxygen, helium, argon etc. Such cylinders must be secured appropriately. You must seek relevant training before training. Such gas cylinders are usually very tall and and narrow shaped, and biggest risk is falling sideways. If the head knocks some other object, it might break off. It will cause the cylinder to fly like a rocket. So, the cylinders must be secured with chains against wall or in a boot.
LASER sources
You must go through required safety modules, and have appropriate licenses before working with LASER setups. Wear protective goggles, and cordon your setup area or close hutch when LASER devices are ON.
Fire safety
Please take note of fire exits in the SSLS building. In the event of fire, there will be alarm and all exit doors locks will be disabled. You should run out of the building to nearest gathering point. It is good to check on your colleagues in the building but first make sure it is safe for you to do so.
Do not bring food items to the experimental area. If required, there is a pantry room. Cleaning services are not available inside the SSLS building during the weekend (after Friday afternoon), please take your food wastes and bin in the large/general bins outside (available in various locations in the campus).
NUS organizes various safety trainings such as fire drills, chemical spill drills, first aid training, CPR & AED familiarization etc. periodically throughout the year. Try to attend as many as you can.